Experts Discuss How GLP-1 Medications Are Revolutionizing Obesity Treatment and Coaching

Hello Alpha Team
5 min readNov 30, 2023


In the dynamic landscape of obesity treatment, GLP-1 medications like Wegovy, Ozempic, and Zepbound have emerged as game-changers, drawing the attention of patients and healthcare experts alike. These medications, originally developed to manage diabetes, are now making waves in the realm of weight management. In this blog post, we delve into the multifaceted impact of GLP-1s on obesity treatment and coaching.

Anti-obesity medications alone are insufficient for sustained weight loss

While GLP-1 medications have emerged as promising tools in the realm of obesity management, it’s essential to recognize that they are not standalone solutions for achieving long-term, sustained weight loss. Dr. Mary Jacobson, Chief Medical Officer at Hello Alpha and an expert in obesity medicine, emphasizes that while GLP-1s effectively influence appetite and satiety, their efficacy is maximized when integrated into a comprehensive treatment plan. Relying solely on pharmacotherapy neglects the multifaceted nature of obesity and overlooks crucial aspects such as lifestyle, behavior, and psychological factors.

Long-term success in weight management requires a holistic approach that extends beyond the pharmacological benefits of GLP-1 medications. Nutrition, physical activity, and behavior modification are integral components that must be addressed in tandem with prescription medications. Dr. Jacobson explains, “GLP-1s provide a valuable adjunct to lifestyle modifications, but they should be seen as part of a larger strategy. Patients need support in adopting sustainable dietary habits, engaging in regular physical activity, and addressing behavioral patterns to achieve lasting results.” Integrating these components ensures a more robust and comprehensive approach, recognizing that sustained weight loss is a nuanced journey that involves a combination of lifestyle changes, behavioral adjustments, and, when deemed appropriate, pharmacological support.

The four pillars of obesity medicine

Understanding that sustainable weight loss requires a holistic approach, experts advocate for the integration of the four pillars of obesity medicine. These pillars encompass nutrition, physical activity, behavior modification, and pharmacotherapy. Dr. Jacobson emphasizes, “GLP-1s are just one part of the puzzle. A well-rounded strategy that addresses these pillars is crucial for long-term success.”

Each pillar plays a crucial role in addressing the multifaceted nature of obesity and creating a well-rounded strategy for effective treatment. Nutrition forms the foundational pillar, emphasizing the importance of a balanced and personalized dietary plan. This involves not only calorie management but also considerations for the quality of food, macronutrient distribution, and individual dietary preferences.

Physical activity is the second pillar, highlighting the significance of regular exercise in promoting overall health and supporting weight management. Tailoring exercise regimens to individual needs and abilities is essential for long-term success.

The third pillar, behavior modification, recognizes the psychological aspects of obesity. Strategies such as goal setting, self-monitoring, and addressing emotional eating are integral components of this pillar. Ted Borgstadt, CEO of health transformation organization TrestleTree, states, “We know that simply pushing health education is not effective. Taking the time to listen to an individual’s health story and build an authentic, trust-based relationship is the best path towards change and weight loss that is sustainable and transformative.”

Finally, pharmacotherapy, the fourth pillar, acknowledges the role of medications like GLP-1s in supporting weight loss efforts, particularly for individuals who may benefit from additional pharmacological interventions. The integration of these four pillars in a patient-centered approach is key to addressing the diverse factors contributing to obesity and achieving sustainable outcomes.

Addressing weight stigma in healthcare and coaching

Weight stigma in obesity medical treatment and behavioral coaching remains a pervasive issue, often hindering effective care and impeding individuals on their weight management journey. This stigma manifests in various forms, from subtle biases in healthcare professionals to the societal perception that individuals with excess weight lack willpower or discipline. Such negative stereotypes can lead to discrimination, judgment, and a reluctance among individuals to seek the help they need.

In medical treatment, weight stigma can result in suboptimal care and misdiagnosis. Studies have shown that individuals with obesity may receive less attention from healthcare providers, leading to undertreatment or overlooking of underlying health issues. This bias can erode trust between patients and healthcare professionals, creating a barrier to open communication and collaboration in developing effective treatment plans.

In the realm of behavioral coaching, weight stigma can further complicate matters. Traditional coaches may unintentionally perpetuate stereotypes or employ methods that contribute to feelings of shame and guilt, hindering the coaching process. Borgstadt emphasizes, “TrestleTree Health Coaches are trained to recognize and avoid the impact of weight stigma on their participants. Creating a safe and judgment-free space is crucial for building trust and facilitating behavior change.”

To combat weight stigma, education and awareness are key. Healthcare professionals and coaches must undergo training to understand the complex nature of obesity and the factors influencing it, moving away from a simplistic view that places blame on the individual. Embracing a compassionate and patient-centered approach can help dismantle the stigma associated with obesity, fostering an environment that promotes holistic and effective care. Ultimately, addressing weight stigma is a critical step toward creating a healthcare and coaching landscape that empowers individuals to achieve and maintain their health goals.

Behavior modification and coaching has changed with GLP-1s

The advent of GLP-1 medications has introduced a transformative shift in the landscape of obesity medical treatment and coaching. These medications, initially designed to manage diabetes, have proven to be effective in weight management by influencing appetite and promoting feelings of fullness. In medical treatment, the incorporation of GLP-1s has provided healthcare professionals with an additional tool in their arsenal. Dr. Jacobson notes, “GLP-1 medications have opened up new possibilities for pharmacotherapy in obesity. When integrated into a comprehensive treatment plan, they can enhance weight loss outcomes for patients who may have struggled with other approaches.”

In the realm of behavioral coaching, the influx of GLP-1 medications has spurred an evolution of coaching strategies. TrestleTree’s Chief Training Officer, Becky Parker, Ph.D. a Clinical Psychologist, comments, “The unique mechanisms of GLP-1s, affecting appetite regulation and satiety, require even further tailoring of behavioral interventions to take these mechanisms into account. Health Coaches also have a lot of participants who are very motivated to lose weight, which will be an outcome of the GLP-1s, though they are not very motivated to increase exercise or improve their food choices, for example. Understanding how these medications interact with lifestyle changes, as well as how to influence motivation for underlying behavioral changes, allows Health Coaches to provide more personalized guidance, optimizing the synergy between behavioral modification and pharmacotherapy for improved long-term, sustainable success in weight management.” This evolving landscape underscores the importance of an integrative and personalized approach that harnesses the benefits of both behavioral coaching and pharmacotherapy, acknowledging the role of GLP-1 medications as a valuable component in the holistic treatment of obesity.

As GLP-1 medications continue to reshape the approach to obesity treatment, experts underscore the need for a comprehensive strategy. Acknowledging the limitations of anti-obesity medications alone, emphasizing the four pillars of obesity medicine, addressing weight stigma, and adapting coaching methods to leverage the benefits of GLP-1s are crucial steps toward a more effective and compassionate approach to obesity management. In the quest for lasting change, collaboration between patients, healthcare professionals, and coaches remains paramount.



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